Departments & Offices
- Contact:
Jennifer Grundy, Animal Control Officer 401-568-3885
- Office:
121 Chestnut Hill Road Chepachet, RI 02814
- Hours:
Tue-Thu, Sat-Sun 9:00am - 1:00pm
- More Info:
Click Here
- Contact: Dennis Begin, Building/Zoning Official
401-568-6206, ext. 1
- More Info:
Click Here
- Stations:
Chepachet Station #1 1170 Putnam Pike - Route 44 Chepachet, RI 02814 Fire & Rescue: 401-568-5200 Website:
Harmony Station #1 194 Putnam Pike - Route 44 Chepachet, RI 02814 401-949-1188 Executive Board Meetings are held at 7:00 pm every 2nd Thursday of the month at the Harmony Fire Department, 194 Putnam Pike, Harmony, RI. Certain exceptions apply -- see Town Calendar for exact dates. The Annual Meeting is always held on the 1st Saturday in June at 10:00 am. Voting Polls for Annual Elections are always open the Friday afternoon before the Annual meeting from 4:00 to 8:00 pm and the Saturday morning of the Annual Meeting from 8:00 to 9:45 am.
West Glocester Station #1 2410 Putnam Pike - Route 44 Glocester, RI 02814 401-568-2422
West Glocester Station #2 Acciardo Drive Glocester, RI 02814 401-568-2422
- More Info:
Click Here
- Contact:
John Luszcz 401-430-0427 Office 401-568-6206 ext. 222
- Food Pantry:
Glocester Town Hall, 1145 Putnam Pike, Chepachet Wednesdays: 10:00am to 1:00pm
- Office Hours:
Monday: 10:00am–1:00pm Tuesday: Closed Wednesday: 10:00am–1:00pm Thursday: 10:00am–1:00pm Friday: Closed
- Contact:
Joseph DelPrete, Chief of Police 162 Chopmist Hill Road (Route 102) Chepachet, RI 02814 401-568-2533 401-568-3280, fax
- All Emergencies:
Dial 911
- More Info:
Click Here
- Judge:
Jane G. Gurzenda 401-647-1400
- Clerk:
Jean M. Fecteau 401-568-6206, ext. 0
- Meets:
Probate Court is held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 2:00pm in the Town Council Chambers at the Glocester Town Hall.
- More Info:
Probate records filed in the Town of Glocester are maintained in the Town Clerk's Office. These records are public records and copies can be obtained for $1.50 per page pursuant to RI General Law.
- Probate Rules & Regulations
Click Here
- Contact:
Gary Treml, Director 91 Chestnut Hill Road Chepachet, RI 02814 401-568-5540
- Transfer Station:
121 Chestnut Hill Road Chepachet, RI 02814 401-568-1130
- Transfer Station Hours:
Mon: Closed Tue-Fri: 9:00am to 5:00pm Sat-Sun: 8:00am to 4:00pm Closed 1/2 Day Christmas Eve Closed 1/2 Day New Year’s Eve Closed All Holidays Closed All Snow Events
- More Info:
Click Here
- Contact:
Robert Shields, Director 401-568-6206, ext. 224
- More Info:
Click Here
- Contact:
Dr. Renée Palazzo, Superintendent Patricia Dubois, Assistant Superintendent Glocester School Department Glocester School Department ( 401-568-6206, Ext. 238
- Meets:
Glocester School Committee usually meets third Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm at Ponaganset High School Library. See calendar for meeting dates, times, and locations. Notice of all meetings will be posted at the Town Hall at least 48 hours before the meeting date. This notice will include the date and time posted; the date, time, and place of meeting; and a statement specifying the nature of the business to be discussed. Meeting dates are subject to change. For interpreter service for the hearing impaired, call 401-568-6206 not less than 72 hours in advance of meeting date. TDD 401-568-1422.
- School Closings:
Please DO NOT contact the Glocester Police Department for information on school delays, early dismissals, and closings. Check your local radio or television stations for this information, or visit the following websites: Channel 6, Channel 10, Channel 12. For early dismissals ONLY, go to -- official dismissal information is posted by the School Department. Parents should note that they can arrange for to send automatic and immediate e-mail notifications of any official early dismissal postings.
- More Info:
Click Here
- Contacts:
Dr. Renée Palazzo, Superintendent Foster-Glocester Regional School District Regional Web Site 401-710-7500 Option 4
- Meets:
Foster-Glocester Regional School Committee meets first Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm at the Ponaganset High School Library.
- School Closings:
Please DO NOT contact the Glocester Police Department for information on school delays, early dismissals, and closings. Check your local radio or television stations for this information, or visit the following websites: Channel 6, Channel 10, Channel 12. For early dismissals ONLY, go to -- official dismissal information is posted by the School Department. Parents should note that they can arrange for to send automatic and immediate e-mail notifications of any official early dismissal postings.
- More Info:
Click Here
- Contact:
Melissa Bouvier, Director 1210 Putnam Pike Chepachet, RI 02814 401-567-4557
- Hours:
Monday-Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm
- Senior Mealsite:
Lunch is served Monday through Friday at the Glocester Senior Center, 1210 Putnam Pike, Chepachet. You do not have to be a Glocester resident to attend. A donation of $3 is suggested.
- More Info:
Click Here
Contact: Laurie Caspoli Tel: 401-568-6206, ext. 4 Fax: 401-568-5850 RI Relay: 1-800-745-5555
- RI Tax Rolls:
Click Here
- Tax Bill Due Date/Penalty:
Tax Bills are due on the first of August, November, February, and May. The grace period is the month the bill is due. If not paid by the first day of the following month, the unpaid quarterly payment(s) becomes due and payable plus interest of 8% per annum from August 1.
- Tax Sales:
The Tax Collector is authorized to hold tax sales of all real property liable for taxes on June 1 of the current year with said sales to be conducted in accordance with the provisions of RI General Laws 44-9 with one to be held within the first sixty (60) days of the forthcoming Fiscal Year. August is the month that the sale is usually held.
- Electronic Payments Accepted
Avoid paying penalty-interest on your taxes. The Town of Glocester accepts electronic payments for real estate, tangible and motor vehicle taxes. To sign up for this no-cost direct payment service, complete the application form and return it to the Tax Collector’s office with a voided check or deposit slip. If you prefer, contact the Tax Collector’s Office (401-568-6206, ext 4). Application Form
- Tax Notices:
Click Here
- How do I remove a vehicle off of the tax roll?
All information for billing motor vehicles is obtained from the RI DMV. In order to remove a vehicle, you must cancel the registration (return the plates) at the DMV. The bill reflects what was registered the previous calendar year. When a vehicle is canceled it will not be reflected immediately on the current tax bill, but will show on the subsequent year’s bill. If your motor vehicle registration renewal states “UNPAID TAXES” it will have to be stamped if mailing or cleared at the DMV by the collection office if you are going to renew online.
- As a new owner of real estate, will I automatically receive a tax bill?
Tax Bills on newly acquired properties are mailed to the OWNER OF RECORD (as of December 31). Only if requested by the new owner will a bill be mailed. Town of Glocester tax bills are mailed out mid-July. Please contact the Tax Collector’s office at 568-6206, ext 4 and a copy will be mailed.
- I escrow my real estate taxes. Will I receive a tax bill?
Only one real estate tax bill is printed. If you escrow taxes with your mortgage lender and they request your bill, it is mailed to the bank. If not requested by the bank then it is mailed to the taxpayer.
- Contact:
Albert K. Aubin 401-710-9070
- Contacts:
Town Solicitor - David Igliozzi, Esq., 401-781-1100
- Contact:
Sandra Shepard, Tree Warden 710-1762