Town Clerk

Town Clerk:
Jean M. Fecteau
401-568-6206, ext. 0
401-568-5850, fax

Deputy Town Clerk:
Christine Mathieu

Glocester Town Hall
PO Box B
Chepachet, RI 02814-0702

8:00am - 4:30pm

The Town Hall is located in the center of Chepachet at 1145 Putnam Pike, between Chepachet Post Office and Glocester-Manton Library (approximately 1/4 mile north of the southern junction of Routes 44 and 102).


Birth, Death & Marriage/Civil Union records from approx. 1700 to present day are indexed and stored in the Town Clerk's Office. Pursuant to RI General Law the  only Vital Statistics available to the general public are death records over 50 years old, and birth and marriage/civil union records over 100 years old. Certified Vital records are available upon completion of a form by qualified persons.

Birth certificates are available as a full size legal document.

Marriage/Civil Union Licenses can be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office during normal business hours. The license is valid for 90 days and the requirements are:

  1. The Bride or Groom's address must be a Glocester address;
  2. Birth Certificate & Driver's License required;
  3. If not the first marriage/civil union, certified proof of how previous marriage/civil union ended is required;
  4. Current fee set by the State of Rhode Island is $24.00.
  5. Marriage License Application

Includes the Charter, Town Ordinances, and Land Use Ordinances.

The Town Clerk office is responsible for the maintenance and preservation of Town records relating to Real Estate documents which are received, recorded daily and then microfilmed for the safekeeping. The microfilmed documents are then stored in our vault. Recorded surveys are also indexed, microfilmed, filmed to aperture cards (for easy access) and stored in our vault.

 Our vault and workroom area services approximately 20-30 people (title examiners, real estate agents, attorney & taxpayers) per day.

Copies can be obtained by using a coin-operated copy machine; cost is $1.00 per page. Certified copies are available for $1.50 per page plus $3.00 certification fee. There is an aperture machine available for copies of sections of recorded surveys and assessor's maps.

Recording fees are as mandated by RI General Law as follows:
(common fees below are cost of first page and $1.00 for each additional page)

  • Mortgage $64.00
  • Deed $84.00
  • Mortgage Discharge $49.00
  • Bill of Sale $49.00
  • Power of Attorney $49.00
  • Other documents vary in cost


Dogs are required to be registered every April. A valid rabies certificate is required at the time of registration. Glocester residents are entitled to register no more  than 3 dogs per residence. The fee is $7.00 per dog. Licenses may be obtained at the Town Clerk's office during normal business hours. Traditionally, each April the Town holds a rabies clinic where dogs & cats can  receive their rabies shot at reduced rates. Licenses for dogs may be also be obtained at the clinic. Dates, times, and other details will be posted on the Online Town Calendar.

Yard Sales
Pursuant  to the Glocester Code of Ordinance a yard sale may be held for the sale of typically second-hand personal, household and/or garden property. Any town resident desiring to hold such a sale on their property must apply to  the Town Clerk for a yard sale license. The license fee is $5.00. Each resident is allowed to hold three sales a year on their property.

The  Town Clerk’s Office offers Notary Public service free of charge. Because the function of a Notary is to state they witnessed you signing a document, DO NOT sign your document in advance. The document must be signed in the presence of the Notary and you MUST present a photo ID. Typically, we enter all notary transactions in our log book which we will require you to sign.

Judge Jane G. Gurzenda
Jean M. Fecteau, Clerk
401-568-6206, ext. o
Probate records filed in the Town of Glocester are maintained in the Town Clerk's Office. These records are public records and copies can be obtained for $1.50 per page pursuant to RI General  Law. Probate Court is held on the second Tuesday of each month at 2:00 PM in the Town Council Chambers.


Notice is hereby given pursuant to amendments to Rhode Island General Law 45-23-53 and 45-24-53 that would require municipalities to establish and maintain a public notice registry allowing any persons or entity to register for electronic notices of any changes to the local Zoning Ordinance or to Subdivision Regulations.

All persons interested in the above may submit their name and e-mail address to the Town Clerk's Office, 1145 Putnam Pike, Chepachet, RI 02814 or click here to submit your request online.

Notice of all meetings shall be  posted at the Town Hall at least 48 hours before the meeting date. This notice shall include the date and time posted; the date, time, and place of meeting; and a statement specifying the nature of the business to be  discussed. Town meetings are also posted on the Online Town Calendar.

For interpreter service for the hearing impaired, call 401-568-6206 not less than 72 hours in advance of meeting date. TDD 401-568-1422.

Pursuant to RI General Law all businesses in town  shall register their trade name in the office of the Town Clerk and pay a one time fee of $10.00. A Certificate of Trade Name will be issued to you.

Board of Canvassers
Jean M. Fecteau, Town Clerk
401-568-6206, ext. 0

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Town Council : Town Clerk : Boards & Commissions : Elections   PUBLIC SAFETY — Animal Control : Fire & Rescue : Police : Power Outages : CodeRED
Meetings : 4th of July Parade : 4th of July Road Race   NOTICES — Public Notices : Job Postings : Tax Assessor Notices : Tax Collector Notices
Public Records Request : Code of Ordinances : Comprehensive Plan : Home Rule Charter : Land Evidence : Plat Maps


Animal Control
Building & Zoning
Emergency Management

Fire & Rescue
Human Services

Public Works

Senior Center
Tax Assessor
Tax Collector
Town Moderator

Town Sergeant
Town Solicitor
Tree Warden

Glocester Town Hall • 1145 Putnam Pike - PO Box B • Chepachet, RI 02814-0702
 Tel: 401.568.6206 • Fax: 401.568.5850 • Hours 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

© Copyright 1999-2025 Town of Glocester, RI - All rights reserved.
