Info Center
Use the phone & link list below for quick reference ...
- Animal Control: 568-3885
- Board of Canvassers: 568-6206, ext. 0
- Building/Zoning Official: 568-6206, ext. 1
- Emergency Management: 568-2533
- Emergency Services: 568-1879
- Finance Director: 568-6206, ext. 5
- Hearing Impaired: 568-1422
- Highway: 568-5540
- Housing Authority: 568-5100
- Human Services: 568-6206, ext. 222
- Human Resources, 568-6206, Ext. 5
- Police Station: 568-2533; any emergency 911
- Probate Judge: 647-1400
- Public Works: 568-5540
- Recreation: 568-6206, ext. 224
- Senior Center 710-9860
- Senior Center Dining Room: 567-4557
- Senior Transportation Van: 568-2533
- Tax Assessor: 568-6206, ext. 3
- Tax Collector: 568-6206, ext. 4
- Town Clerk: 568-6206, ext. 0
- Town Council President: 568-6206, ext. 0
- Town Planner: 568-6206, ext. 2
- Town Sergeant: 710-9070
- Town Solicitor: 781-1100
- Assistant Solicitor: 949-2228
- Transfer Station: 568-1130
- Treasurer/Finance: 568-6206, ext. 5
- Gov. Daniel J. McKee
- (R) Sen. Jessica de la Cruz
(District 23: Voting Districts 1, 2, 3 & 4) 120 School Street, North Smithfield, RI 02824; 484-0155 Room 114, State House, Providence, RI 02903
- (R) State Rep. Michael W. Chippendale
(District 40: Voting Districts 1 & 2) 124A Johnson Road, Foster, RI 02825; 397-9469
- (R) State Rep. David J. Place
(District 47: Voting District 3) 167 Jefferson Road, Burrillville, RI 02830; 286-2088
- (R) State Rep. Brian J. Rea
(District 53: Voting District 4) 2 Country Drive, Smithfield, RI 02828
- Find Your Legislator
- State of RI Official Web Site
- RI Tax Bills & Tax Rolls On-Line
- Vision Government Solutions, Inc.: Glocester Real Estate Data
- President Joseph R. Biden
- John F. Reed, US Senator
728 Hart Building, Washington, DC 20510-3903 1 Exchange Terrace, Suite 408, Providence, RI 02903 201 Hillside Road, Suite 200, Cranston, RI 02920-5602 TOLL FREE 800-284-4200; Fax 528-5242, 464-6837
- Sheldon Whitehouse, US Senator
Dirksen Senate Office Building, Office SD-B40D, Washington, DC 20510 170 Westminster Street, 11th Floor, Providence, RI 02903 TOLL FREE 800-662-5188; Fax 453-5085; Tel 453-5294
- Rep. David Cicilline, 1st District Rhode Island
- Rep. Seth M. Magaziner
1218 Longworth House Office Building, Independence SE Avenue, Washington DC 20003 202-225-2735
- Alcoholics Anonymous/Sober.com
Website: https://sober.com/ Resource Guide for AA help in Rhode Island: https://rhodeisland-aa.org/archives/meetings/
- Glocester Addiction Assistance Program (G.A.A.P.)
G.A.A.P. is a team of local counselors and addiction specialists, ready to assist with one to one peer support, family/parental support, in-patient/out-patient Detox placement, and recovery counseling meetings. Phone: 401-710-4182 Email: Glocester.GAAP@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/GAAP-Glocester-Addiction-Assistance-Program
- The Hope Initiative (Heroin – Opioid Prevention Effort)
The first statewide program that engages law enforcement personnel in a proactive outreach strategy to combat the opioid overdose epidemic. The HOPE Initiative partners substance use professionals and members of law enforcement with the mission of reaching out to those who are at risk of overdosing to encourage them to be assessed and treated. Through the HOPE Initiative, law enforcement can do what they do best: lend a hand to a person in need. The Glocester Police Department is proud to be a partner in this program. We want Glocester residents with substance use disorder to know that we’re here to help.
- Durfee Hill Check Station: 568-6753
- George Washington Mgt. Area: 568-2013
- Ice Safety Hotline: 222-2632
- Rabies Hotline: 800-482-7878
- Wildlife Problems: 222-3070
- Chepachet: 911
- Harmony: 911
- West Glocester: 911
- Day Kimball (CT): 860-928-6541
- Fatima & St. Joseph: 456-3000
- Landmark Medical Center: 769-4100
- Miriam: 331-8500
- Rhode Island & Hasbro Children's: 444-4000
- Roger Williams: 456-2000
- Women & Infants: 274-1100
- Information: 444-5727
- National Hotline: 800-222-1222
- Glocester: 568-2533
- RI State Police: 568-3011
- Missing Children Hotline: 800-286-8626
- Little League (answering machine): 568-7876
- Burrillville Glocester Youth Soccer Association